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/ Night Owl 22 / Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV-22)(Night Owl Publisher)(1996).ISO / 001a / winpro35.zip

Jump To: Document (1)  |  Text (13)  |  Other (14)

Document (1)
NameFormat# PagesSizeDate
WINPROOF.HLP Windows Help File 22 61KB 1996-06-06

Text (13)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
DICT.APP Text File 2 2b 1996-06-06
FILE_ID.DIZ Text File 12 433b 1996-07-26
GRAMTEST.TXT Text File 490 13KB 1996-06-06
ORDER.TXT Text File 87 3KB 1996-07-26
PCPROOF.FIL Text File 2 12b 1996-06-06
PCPROOF.MSG Text File 286 12KB 1996-06-06
PCPROOF.RUL Text File 145 10KB 1996-06-06
PCPROOF.SCR Text File 426 22KB 1996-06-06
PCPROOF.TUT Text File 1,185 41KB 1996-06-06
READ_ME.1ST Text File 6 242b 1996-06-06
SETUP.INF INI File 66 1KB 1996-07-26
WINPROOF.TXT Text File 1,105 50KB 1996-06-06

Other Files (14)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
SETUP.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 2 27KB 1996-06-06
WINPROOF.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 1 231KB 1996-06-06
WPSPELL.DLL Microsoft Windows Dynmic Link Library 22KB 1996-06-06
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
PCPROOF.DAT MySQL Table Definition 35KB 1996-06-06
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
ALLON.CFG Unknown 830b 1996-06-06
DICT.D Unknown 489KB 1996-06-06
DICT.I Unknown 6KB 1996-06-06
DICT.S Unknown 745b 1996-06-06
GRAMONLY.CFG Unknown 830b 1996-06-06
NORMAL.CFG Unknown 833b 1996-06-06
PCPROOF.CFG Unknown 833b 1996-06-06
PCPROOF.PLD Unknown 23KB 1996-06-06
READONLY.CFG Unknown 828b 1996-06-06
SPELL.CFG Unknown 811b 1996-06-06